
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

My musical performance.

I enjoyed using my chromebook to play the music for the song - You are my sunshine.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

My Christmas photo

Merry Christmas. Have a happy holiday. See you next year.

My photo frame.

I enjoyed decorating my photo frame for my family.

My Christmas Cup

I made my Christmas cup for my family.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Fire Safety Poster

WALT create a poster with an important message and an image to match the message,

Why do we celebrate Guy Fawkes Day.

I created this slideshow using ideas from my writing.

Guy Fawkes Day.

Here is my writing to explain why we celebrate Guy Fawkes Day.
On November 5th every year we gather together and we light fireworks.
This is called Guy Fawkes Day.
Why do we celebrate Guy Fawkes day?
This started 400 years ago James became the king of England. He was mean to Catholic people. He wanted to hurt them.
A man named Guy Fawkes and his friends made a plan to kill the King and his men because they were being men.
Their plan was to blow up the building where the king and his men were meeting.
They put 36 barrels of gunpowder under the building.
On November the 5th it was already to go.
But someone sent a letter to tell the king about the plan.
The king sent his guards to catch Guy Fawkes and his friends. Then they were killed.

So on November the fifth every year people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day to remember Guy Fawkes and the day the king was saved.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

My Goal Setting Term 4 2018

I will work hard to achieve my learning goals.

Explanation Writing: Language

WALT identify some language features of explain writing.

Plastic pollution is killing our sea animals. It is bad for our world. There is too much plastic in our ocean,s. How are people solving the plastic pollution problem? One way people are solving the plastic pollution problem is by using cotton bags instead of using plastic bags. Another way people are solving the plastic pollution problem is by having a litter less lunch box.

Explanation Writing: Structure

WALT identify the structure of explain writing.

Plastic pollution is killing our sea animals. It is bad for our world. There is too much plastic in our oceans. How are people solving the plastic pollution problem? One way people are solving the plastic pollution problem is by using cotton bags instead of using plastic bags. Another way people are solving the plastic pollution problem is by having a litter less lunch box.

Explanation Writing: My self-assessment

WALT use the writing rubric to assess our writing.

Plastic pollution is killing our sea animals. It is bad for our world. There is too much plastic in our ocean,s. How are people solving the plastic pollution problem? One way people are solving the plastic pollution problem is by using cotton bags instead of using plastic bags. Another way people are solving the plastic pollution problem is by having a litter less lunch box. Lastly people are solving the plastic pollution problem.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Spelling Week 7 Term 3 2018.

Here is my spelling for Week 7. I am proud of myself for getting all of my words correct.

Reading: Using information from the text.

WALT use information from the text to create a presentation

Art: Indian Ink and Dye painting.

Here is my painting about fantastic Mr Fox.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Place Value: 3 digit numbers.

I am learning to understand numbers to 1000.
I can read numbers to 1000.
I can write numbers to 1000.
I can order numbers to 1000.
I can make numbers to 1000 with the place value equipment.
I am learning about the place and value of the digits in 3 digit numbers.

Place Value: Hundreds,Tens and Ones

WALT understand 3-digit numbers.
WALT work out how many hundreds, tens and ones in numbers to 1000.
I had to write my 3-digit number and make it with the Place Value equipment.
Then I had to find how many hundreds, how many tens and how many ones were in each number.

My google slideshow.

WALT create a presentation to share information from a text.

Reading Extraordinary Earthworms.

WALT find the main ideas in the text.
I read the text Extraordinary Earthworms and created this slideshow
from the main ideas I found in the text.